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Tips Menulis Personal Statement untuk Mendaftar S2 Luar Negeri (By: Muti Purwadi)

Hi guys, namaku Muti, pada awal tahun 2020 aku diterima di 6 universitas di Inggris, yaitu: University of Glasgow, University of Bristol, University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham, University of York dan University of Newcastle. Berdasarkan persyaratan untuk mendaftar, selain transcript nilai kuliah, score IELTS yang telah ditentukan oleh universitas, personal statement adalah hal yang dipertimbangkan pihak universitas untuk menerima calon siswa nya. Berikut ini adalah tips menulis motivation letter versi ku yaa,

Berdasarkan pengalamanku, dalam menulis personal statement harus kamu harus terlihat bahwa kamu sudah melakukan riset tentang program yang akan kamu ambil beserta uni nya dan keterkaitan program yang kamu ambil dengan latar belakang yang kamu miliki, bisa berdasarkan s1 atau kerja yang sedang/akan kamu ambil kedepannya. Dengan begitu universitas tersebut bisa melihat alasan legit kamu untuk dapat diterima: 

Berikut tips menulis personal statement versi ku:

  1. Jelaskan di awal kamu daftar jurusan apa di universitas apa
  2. Jelaskan latar belakang kenapa kamu tertarik sama course yang akan kamu ambil ini, ini sangat penting untuk melihat relevansi antara latar belakang s1 kamu atau bidang kerja yang sedang kamu jalan
  3. tunjukan kalo kamu itu adalah mahasiswa yang aktif, jelaskan organisasi kampus/luar kampus dan kompetisi apa saja yang pernah kamu ikuti, saran ku jangan terlalu banyak dan kalo bisa yang masih terkait dengan course yang kamu ambil
  4. jelaskan ttg course di universitas ini bagaimana, latar belakang uni ini, pencapaian uni ini yg terkait dengan jurusan yang akan kamu ambil. Kamu harus melakukan riset lebih dalam terhadap uni ini, ex: ranking uni berdasarkan qs world rangking terbaru
  5. jelasin dengan masuk di uni ini kususnya jurusan ini akan membantu mu untuk mencapai longterm goal kamu, atau cita-cita kamu
  6. conclusion, intinya dengan factor factor diatas yang sudah kamu sebutkan, uni tsb adalah uni yang paling cocok untuk kamu.

 Tips general dari ku adalah:

  1.  Cari referensi menulis personal statement sebanyak mungkin, agar kamu bisa dapat gambaran apa yang mau kamu tulis. (banyak blog dan youtube2 yang mengulas hal ini
  2. Be real and original, jangan tulis hal yang dibuat-buat apalagi berbohong
  3. Minta orang lain untuk me review personal statement mu ini untuk di kritik, lalu periksa lagi tulisanmu

Contoh personal statement ku:

Personal Statement

Mutiara Dewi Saraswati

My intention of writing this personal statement is to make an impression on you from my reflected professional as well as personal motivations for applying to your university, and thereby, to convince you of my likely superior future value to the specialized field should you admit me to your reputed law school. I am applying for the admission of Postgraduate taught LL.M. program at University of Bristol with the concentration in International Commercial Law.

The four years rigorous law program at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) had allowed me to systematically explore the major disciplines of Indonesian laws. I became engrossed in Business Law as a subject, passed with excellent remark, which I turned to my focus and point of concentration in UGM.

Alongside focusing on the academic aspect, I fully aware that excellent interpersonal and know how to work with others are basic personal qualities required of a good legal practitioner. Therefore, I joined several organizations in my campus, such as Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) which is a non-profit, non-political organization that aims to connect law students from the corner of Asia, and by doing so I was a part of the External Affairs division in ALSA Local Chapter UGM. Secondly, I also joined Business Law Community (BLC) which is a community focusing on research, discussions, and competitions tied to business law, with the addition I was specifically assigned in the division of International Trade. Lastly, I was also active in non-campus organization namely Project Child Indonesia, a community-based NGO, which has goal to alleviate poverty in the coastal and riverside communities of Indonesia. I volunteered as English teacher to children in riverside communities. As the result of my continuous hard work, I was honored with cum laude on my graduation. This, with my awareness, would not have been possible if it is not for my keen interest in the concentration, my research skills, and a wholehearted devotion to my entire legal studies.


The LLM International Commercial Law course offered at University of Bristol, has been designed with a broad range of commercially focused areas to cover the latest impact of globalisation on the corporate world. Additionally, the course offers to address the role which law and lawyer can play as, and when required. With wealth of modules, the course provides insights that will enable the student to engage in intensive study of specialist international and commercial topics. The international law units can be chosen from topics within the field of private international law and the content of commercial law units includes an international element, such as international trade. These learning potentials mirror my target that I aim to acquire from my chosen specialty discipline International Commercial Law from the postgraduate study.

My goal is to open a career as a commercial/corporate legal practitioner in Indonesia (my home country) that has seen rapid development of industry and commerce progressively in last decade and continuing the development. Starting from national platform, I intend to take my profession forward to international level and develop myself as a legal adviser/consultant in the long-term. I am also keen undertake scholarly research in the field at later stage of my career. This LLM Degree followed by professional experience will pave my way towards my goals that I am so keen to achieve in the world of law. 

I have decided that University of Bristol is the university where I would have the best opportunity to pursue my objectives, receive the best guidance, and benefit the most from. Firstly, the United Kingdom has been a leading country in the move to an information economy with its revolutionary commercial schemes while at the same time promoting its business with its market being a global hub for various major companies throughout the world. Secondly, University of Bristol’s international reputation is unchallenged being at the forefront in its interdisciplinary thinking about commercial regulations and practice.

The University of Bristol is consistently ranks in the worls’s top 100 and recognized as one of the top 10 worldwide in the QS World University by Subject 2020 and enjoys a worldwide reputation for excellence in research. The teaching is provided by internationally recognised academics who are connected with national and international governments and industry. Learning law under this academic set-up will distinguish me from others. The high rate of employment prospects of University of Bristol graduates will add excellent value to my career goal. Therefore, studying for an LLM at Bristol will equips me with the knowledge and skills that I need in an increasingly competitive legal market.




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