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5 Benefits of Communication

1. Deeper, Fuller and Better Relationship:

Communication and relationship are never seperated. The way we communicate reflects who we are. Our words will determines our life. There are people having no friends, lonely, because of??? Their words. There are people who always have problems with their friends, always fighting because of??? Their hurtful words.

But on the other hand, if we are helpful and make good communication with others, gradually our networking will expand. More and more people are willing to help us. Scores, academic achievement is not the only key to get jobs. But we can get more jobs, community through networking.

2. Greater awareness and acceptance of Human Differences: 

Communication connects humans with many differences. I live in Indonesia. Indonesia is the 4th most populous country with many differences of tribe, language, religion, mindset, etc. There is motto called "Bhinekka Tunggal Ika". That is Indonesian motto, that if we translate it to English, it means "unity in diversity". Therefore, communication connects differences, not only the differences in tribes, but also people with different interest, way of thinking, etc. 

One of the skills in communication is to understand differences. If we meet different kind of people, communication is the key. We won't be shocked with the differences. If we are talking to elder, we must be more polite. If we are talking to people of the same age, we can speak more relax. This is how communication should work, which is to understand differences and how to treat them. Human nature teach us to accept and aware of differences before we are accepted by different kind of people. 

3. Greater Success Virtually in Any Vocation you Choose:

Yes, with good communication you can be the best and hold the top position when you are working later. We must make good communication to the boss. As a boss, we have to make good communication to the staff and management. 

However, people can get fired because of bad communication in the office, or with their networks. In the first day of the "introduction to communication" class, the lecturers told us the story of his friends who get fired due to bad communications. She isn't focus when she was working, and she plays her hand phone when someone is explaining or communicating to her. Then she is fired by her boss. 

Any accident can happen just because of communication. Life in the office is not much different in school and university. If you can make friends and networking, you will survive. No matter how professional or talented we are, networking is still the most important key to survive.

4. Greater ability to influence community and government affairs:

The signs that we are respected is when people are listening to us. They pay attention to what we are speaking and implement what we said. This is clarity. People can get influenced if we are good communicator, everything what we speak will be listened. We can be influential person in community and gain respect as well as supporter. The more success we are in community, the more follower and supporter we will get. Your network will expand gradually. You can even enter the government affair and hold the highest position with followers and supporters. For example if we wanted to be president, the key is to have many support from political parties. This is why communication is always one of the key.

5. If you become a professional communication scholar, an opportunity to generate new knowledge that can improve the quality life for others: 

Learning the art and science of communication is so amazing. Perhaps if we really focus on it, we can be communication scholar someday. Technology and science always growing as time goes by. Therefore communication keeps expanding. 

That is all the benefits of communication in our life. If you have something to add, or comments, feel free to write it below.


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