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Campus Visit to Gramedia

 Hello guys, I just want to share my story when I visit Gramedia with my campus friend. It was very fun and we learn lot of things. This story was in still in the start of my campus. It was on 21 September 2016 which is 1 months after the enrichment program. The following is the story, it was taken from my report.

         Today is very amazing day. We had new experience which is industrial visit. Every group of major has different destination in the industrial visit. Communication students had visit to Kompas Gramedia in Palmerah, Jakarta. I woke up in 4.00 am and depart to Binus International JWC by 5.05 a.m using bus. I arrive in the campus by 6.00 a.m. We have to gather in JWC campus by 8 am, but I arrive there earlier in order to avoid traffic jams. Since some of the students came late, we depart to Gramedia office by 8.15. The journey from campus to Gramedia office took about 30 minutes.

          Then, one of the employees of Gramedia approached us and brought us to one of the office room. The office room is probably meeting room for Gramedia employees and CEO. We spent the whole time in the room to hear the presentation and experiences or story from the community of Kompas Gramedia. It is the right destination to visit Kompas Gramedia as communication student deals things that realates with media. Komps Gramedia is one of the earliest and biggest media in Indonesia. This is part of entrepreneurship. Kompas Gramedia is also very historical and influential in Indonesia. Every year Kompas always developing. One of the greatest ambition of Kompas Gramedia is to compete as one of the biggest and most powerful company in South East Asia.

Based on the presentation, Kompas Grameda has very long history. This company was established in 17 August 1963. It starts from magazine called “Intisari”. Gradually, Kompas is growing  and it starts to make newspaper. In the earliest period of newspaper, Kompas Newspaper can only be published in the headquarter which is in Jakarta.. It will be hard froe people outside Jakarta to read newspaper as they have to wait for the newspaper to be sent in the afternoon. But today everything becomes much easier. In Indonesia, we can start reading the newspaper in the morning. As today we have digitalized media, we can enjoy the news anytime without spece limit too. Digitalized media is really easy as it is freee of charge. Lately, Kompas has launch Kompas TV which we can watch it in public. Previously, Kompas TV can only be viewed in website. But today, everything gets easier. Do you know that Kompas also provides radio that is spread in 17 cities.

Kompas Gramedia has big ambition to educate the society in Indonesia. Previously I thought that Kompas Gramedia newspaper is just Kompas. Kompas is the biggest newspaper. The name Kompas is named by Soekarno which means direction. Kompas Gramedia company was established by 2 people: Jakob Oetama and P.K. Ojong. Kompas is not the only newspaper. Aside from Kompas, they have Kontan, Tribun and Sriwijaya Pos. Newspaper gives huge effect which is to increase knowledge and develop updated information. What is more stunning is that Kompas Gramedia provides educational institution which are Universitas multimedia Nusantara, Bangun Satya Wacana and an English educational institution.

          Is education and media the only product? No, in fact, Kompas Gramedia also supports tourism and culture. There are 94 hotels networks in Indonesia that is owned by Kompas such as Santika and Amaris. They also provide “Bentara Budaya” which is a traditional houses for cultural heritage. Those informations give lot of benefit.
         Presentation is not enough. We also need to hear story from someone’s experience. One of the employees of Kompas Gramedia shared one of her experience and knowledge. She is communication graduate who works as Human Resource. Human resource is not really related with communication. This is why communications graduate have wide opportunities to find job.
          This lecture gives me so much inspiration. She reminds us that we have to know our passion. We have to ensure that we are working on the right field. If we work on the wrong field, we will get tortured. I asked some questions. There are many youth with amazing potential. But they can’t maximize the potential since their family disagree and underestimate their interest or passion. Her tips to deal this are by showing that we can do our best in this passion. It’s useless to explain them by words, because they will not understand if we act on it.

          After she finished telling her story and experience, there are no more lectures. Our activities is just travelling around the building. We went to the office and see the employees working. So many useful information that we get. Along this journey of field trip, the knowledge that inspires me the most is the power of passion.

Passion is the key to success and enjoy the job. In my own understanding, having passion means that we have the courage to take decision and choice for our dream. It is not others, not even our parents who decided for our dreams. However we are the one who decide what we want to be. Passion is not always getting what we like, but try to enjoy even we don’t really like it as well. We are following our passion if we know what we are going to do with our choice.

As we are communication students, obviously most of the skills that we learn is communication skills and it is the essential things. Good grades aren’t the only thing that is needed to be accepted in career. In fact, so many people with good grades have trouble as they are lack of skills. I expect that I could get better skills such as writing, speaking, thinking, art, physical, etc. Graduate by 2020 is one of my greatest goals. Being writer is my priority and dream after I graduate. As I am experienced in writing, journalism is my first choice.

Here I decided to take journalism, but now I take Public Relation for some reasons. But thats not a big problem, maybe later when I work I could also take journalism as my career haha. Because what we study in campus might not always be linear with our career. But as long its still in the right track than no worries.

Anyway, these are the pictures during the visit: 


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