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Trans Sulawesi Railway, the Future of Sulawesi (Academic English Essay)

Traffic jams is the biggest consideration that pushed Indonesia to build railway construction. Moreover, trains have more power to carry more passengers and cargo. Ex ministry of transportation, Ignasius Jonan said that it is important to build railway outside Java instead on building high speed train from Jakarta to Bandung. Indonesia has very limited railway lines. Trains only exist in Java and Sumatra. Therefore, there are wide opportunities to expand the railways outside Java and transform Indonesia through trains. Trans Sulawesi Project is great investment for the future of Indonesian transport especially for freight transport such as mineral in Sulawesi. This essay will discuss the advantages of having the Trans Sulawesi Project.
    Train in Sulawesi gives more option of transport. Trans Sulawesi trains are available for passengers and freight train. However, the transport will be focused on freight. The problem with freight trucks and ships are slow and takes long time to complete the journey. Travelling using trains are very efficient and the time can be predicted. Trans Sulawesi Rail has wider standard gauge than the rail in Java and Sumatra which is 1435 mm. This makes the train can run faster which is about 160-200 kph. Recently, the physical construction of the rail has been started and it will be built from Makassar to Manado as long as 1600 km.
    Secondly, the advantage of Trans Sulawesi Railway stress on the safety. Trains have their own track, so therefore the risk of accidents is much lower compared with road transportation. Road accidents are likely to cause traffic jams. However, trains doesn’t cause traffic jams even in its accident. Additionally, the speed of trains is more controlled than the speed or car and bus. Trucks are more likely to get overloaded compared with trains. The number of freight trains is expected to reduce the amount of freight truck which can help to minimize traffic jams. Additionally, this will reduce the damage of the road due to excessive of motor vehicle.

    Trans Sulawesi Railway could tackle the environmental problem in Sulawesi particularly. Recently, motor vehicle such as car, bus and trucks is concerned as it causes pollution. The pollution from train are much less than in motor vehicle because one locomotive can carry many cars. Since train are free from traffic jams, there are less wasted emission. Can you imagine how big is the pollution wasted through the excessive motor vehicle and the traffic jams? Therefore railway is the solution that can overcome traffic jams.
    The construction of Trans Sulawesi project is due to the high demand from people of Sulawesi. Through the expansion of railway to Sulawesi, there will be more working opportunities for people of Sulawesi. PT KAI will be provides the job vacancy of Trans Sulawesi Train more for people of Sulawesi. This can reduce the unemployment in Indonesia, especially in Sulawesi. The development of trains really helps building the economy of Indonesia. Building more road and highway will not solve the problem of traffic congestion in Indonesia. However, expanding railway alleviates traffic jams and improves the economy of nation.
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