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Transfer of Interest and Leadership

The world is filled up with differences. Differences is not only something that we could see, such as skin colour or physical appearance. But it can also be mindset or the way people think. Every single individual in the face of the Earth has different understanding and point of view about what is life and what the world is like.

People have different dreams, goals, and philosophies in their life. Everyone is living in their own fantasy. People have their own imagination on what the world is look like. Everyone wants to live in a beautiful and colorful world although in reality there will never be a beautiful world just like what people dream. We could imagine what does the paradise in this world will look like despite that it is all just an illusion. This is what creates opinions.

People have the freedom to convey their own opinion. Opinion is what makes one different from another. Why could that be? Because every person has their own interest. Some people care only about their interest. Other people does not only care about their own interest, but also public interest.

When the opinions of every individual is gathered, it will make public opinion. If only one or two person believes with the opinion, it is not public opinion. But if the entire people or average number of people in a society believes the same, that is called as public opinion.
Public opinion is shaped through an activities called as transfer of interest. When people share the same interest, this is where public opinion is shaped. Public opinion can give very strong effect to long term society. Media plays big role in shaping public opinion. There is no single person who can deny the power of media.

 Unfortunately, in this invisible world people live only in their own bubble. Every human beings are busy with what they are doing, and own interest. They only think what matters to their life. We only think of our own problems and we neglect the facts that there are so many people outside who are much suffering than us. This is why we are sometimes ignorant when we see our family, friends, and neighbour are in troubles. We are too busy with the politics inside of our own nation, but we never pay any attention to the global politics such as what is happening Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, or in North Korea.

 Transfer of interest helps us to avoid self interest. It helps us to take a break from fantasy and take a look at the reality. The real beautiful life is not just about what ourself are interested but it is when we can gather people interest.

  Person who is self interest will never deserve to become true leader. Having high position such as CEO or general manager does not neccessarily counts that he is true leader. Having low position does not mean that he is not leader. Leadership is matter of action that leaves legacy and influence for the next generation. This is not something that can be gained instantaneously.

  Leader should understand the perspective of many people and make decisions carefully. When people have the power of becoming a leader


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